Build a Powerful Resume-Ready Web Application with .NET: A Step-By-Step Guide (Part 1)

A Multi-Part Series to develop and support a Real-World Application.

Charlie Dalldorf
17 min readJan 28, 2024


My Motivation

One of the best ways to get your hands dirty with software development is to create a meaningful project. The issue that comes up with a lot of online guides and textbooks is the isolated nature of these projects. You end up learning a lot of “what” but not a lot of “why”.

When I was starting to learn software development, I spent a lot of time spinning my wheels on projects. I knew how to get Web and Console Applications working, but I wasn’t learning how to develop my “internal intuition”. I was in what was known as “Tutorial Hell”.

After the last couple of years of building real-world applications combined with mountains of reading, I think I have a good sense of what is needed to push past “Tutorial Hell”. This is the guide I wish existed when I started this journey years ago.

I am creating a multi-part series that tackles all of the major areas of software development that any engineer is bound to encounter on the job. Some of these areas include:

  • APIs
  • Web Applications

